Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Spring Visit From Grandma

Mom and Max at the grounds of McLean House in Toronto where we toured the Junior League Showhouse

Oh what fun we had with my mom here this past week! I think that she was amazed to see how much Max had grown since Easter. When my mom came to visit last time Max was only a week old - we were very much house bound and learning the ropes as new parents. We have come a long way in just a few months and Max is pretty game for getting out and about now. We were off to fabric stores, shopping on Queen St, lunch dates with friends, a tour of the Junior League Show Home and many stops at Tim Horton's for their new iced coffee's - which we learned on trip # 3 that they are made with cream, NOT 2% milk which we had so naively assumed! eeek!

Mom, Max and Jocelyn Kean at Bonjour Brioche Cafe

Mom is always up for a project when she visits and I am all too happy to have her make lovely things with my sewing machine! It has been far too long since I have sewed and I think I best ease in by watching over her shoulder! Roman blinds were at the top of my list this time, so mom did a quick study online and rigged up the most lovely blinds one for the dining room, kitchen and bathroom. She has reassured me that they are very easy to do and I could surely take on a few for myself...I may give it a go at some point...oh but she is just so much faster, and better...perhaps they won't be done by next visit and she could pick up the slack??!! tee hee!

We also put up the adorable alphabet decal in Max's room that was sent from Katrina.

we had to get that blue 'M' on there just right...

Oh how the week flew by! Thank you mom for all of your help and for the lovely visit - we can't wait to get home in July!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Months Old!

Happy 3 month birthday little one! 

It has been a whirlwind few weeks - holy!  
  • Max and I joined mom and baby boot camp!  I was so scared to go the first day as I knew I would be in for a serious butt kicking and wasn't sure how Max would hold up.  He sat so nicely in his car seat for the whole hour.  I think he was in awe watching me work out like a fool.  We have signed up for 4 more weeks...
  • Max has made a few discoveries - his fist, his feet and some favorite toys - It is fun to watch him learn and play.
  • Carmon has been home in Alberta helping his dad with spraying and seeding in the fields - boy do we miss him! 
  • Max is drooling and blowing bubbles.
  • My Dad, Ian and Eric were just here for a visit - we had a lot of fun and ate a lot of treats!  I introduced them to the delights at San Remo Bakery and we were there three times in one weekend!  The boys had a great time playing with Max - he was very happy to show them all of his new tricks.

  • I celebrated my first Mother's Day!  Carmon and Max gave me a dozen white hydrangeas, my absolute favorite.  
  • Max has been practicing holding his head up and is getting stronger every time we put him on his tummy.  He REALLY wants to crawl but can't seem to get any traction with his little legs and he tries so hard...just grunting like crazy.  
  • My mom is coming tonight for a week of visiting - looking forward to celebrating a belated Mother's Day with her - I think a special outing is in order!