Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fishing with Santa

Carmon's parents were visiting this past weekend - Max had a great time with Baba and Grandpa and I think they enjoyed catching up and seeing how grown up this little man is. We toured around the city hitting some of our favorite spots and of course what tour wouldn't be complete without a trip to Bass Pro Outdoor World!? According to Carmon, this place is heaven on earth...I could think of a few more enticing places, but we did have fun. Max loved all of the stuffed animals - that's right folks, real animals that are stuffed - not the fuzzy plushy kind.

We also introduced Max to Santa that day - what fun.

This Santa was all outdoorsy in his fishing boat.

Max helped him catch a fish.

Once the fishing excitement was over, Max realized that he was not with us and was on the verge of a meltdown. It was a very sweet moment and I am so thankful that he didn't pull Santa's beard!


vern goad said...

good to see max is being introduced to the finer things in life like the bass pro shop . fishing with santa thats awesome.

Jackie McGrath said...

I'm impressed Max took so long to cry! Santa is a scary man , especially, wearing hunting gear!?!?