Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More Pics.

I never liked getting my diaper changed, but mom put a radio in my room, now I just lay back, relax, let it all hang out and listen to some tunes.

Dad is going to get into trouble for putting this one on ...... mom doesn't like pictures of herself.  Here I am just 10 minutes old.


katrina lauren said... look beautiful as a new mama...holding that sweet little boy!
Kisses for Max & Hugs for the Mama!

Jocelyn Kean said...

Hey Cheryl and Carmen,
CONGRATULATIONS from the crew in Aurora on the safe arrival of Max!!
Leslie Bruce gave me your blog address so I have spent a little time here this morning looking at all the wonderful photos. My favorite is the one of Dean holding you Cheryl- he looks 14 years old!!!
I understand that Rita is flying out to see you all on Monday- have a wonderful visit. Maybe we will be able to sneak in a visit when she is here??
Anyway, good health and much love from us- Jocelyn and Jenny

Anonymous said...

Cheryl you look beautiful!! What great pics of all of you. Congratulations!!
Leah Burville