Saturday, February 7, 2009

What to Wear

...At this point I really do not care to make a fashion statement every time I leave the house and certainly not while I am in the house.  For the past few months I have been living in my Mountain Equipment Coop fleece lined leggings - they are heaven.  Likely not the most flattering article of clothing I own but my options are limited.  Now that I am at home all of the time, I really could wear the same thing everyday - Carmy, you don't mind do you?  But I realized that I may be wearing my favorites a little too much as the fleece is starting to pill, forming these crunchy patches all along the inside.  I thought it may be time to go out on a limb and switch it up, (or at least alternate) so when I came across a pair of cozy grey knit leggings at Winners, I snapped them up.  

Carmon says they look like long underwear, frankly, I do not care.  

They have made their debut in public and like I said, It's not about making a fashion statement, or maybe I am...I could be on to something here!  Fortunately with just under two weeks to go, I can likely avoid a fashion intervention - I just need to promise myself that the legging phase gets shelved once I deflate a little.


katrina lauren said...

my friend, you are cute, cute, cute!! i love your stripey tummy!

Anonymous said...

HAHA that is pretty funny!! You look great. I like your stripey tummy too!! Likely, the fashion police will not be knocking on your door anytime soon and if they do, by that time you will be back in your skinny fashionably accetable clothing with a beautiful baby boy in your arms so they probably won't be issuing a ticket anyawy!! LOL Enjoy the the belly while its still there. You kinda miss it for a second when its gone but then realize you can see you toes again and you get a little happy about that too!!
Take Care