Saturday, October 24, 2009

a little too quiet

Oh nap time, how I love you in the middle of our day. This is my time, an opportunity to tidy up, prep dinner and maybe even flick through a magazine and write an email or two. Our house feels cozy and hushed for this hour. Today, however, things felt just a little too quiet, a little too quickly so I had a peek to make sure all was well with Max in his little nest...

Busted! Sitting up no less! He burst into a fit of giggles as soon as he was discovered.

Can you see the mischief in his eyes?

After a few more giggles, I managed to settle him and get him lying back down again - this is how I left him...

...I was convinced that my hour would soon be up and there may not be an afternoon nap in store for us today. After a few minutes though I went back up, peeked in the door and phew! he was fast asleep.


Kim said...

Soon naps will be a thing of the past :)

Nancy said...

Just wait until he learns how to get out of that crib!! Dylan has learned how to get out of the play pen at Grandma & Grandpa's. Not sure how he does it we have yet to catch him in the act!! Not looking forward to him trying it at home though!!! Little Monkeys sure know how to keep us on our toes!!!!

katrina lauren said...

oh how i love sweet max! he is such a little character! love this post!