Sunday, February 12, 2012

...nearly 3!

Just a couple of days away until Max is officially 3 years old. He waited patiently all week for The Party and we had fun getting ready for the festivities. Max decided that he wanted a Rainbow Cake and fortunately, I had come across the 6 layer rainbow cake that has been appearing in blogs and also Martha Stewart. It looks daunting but actually it was a lot of fun to make.

The balloons were a hit - Carmon and I put them out when Max was in bed last night, when he came downstairs this morning and saw them he was so excited. "I LOVE my balloons!!" he squealed.

Take-out nuggets and fries for the kids...a good way to keep kids interested and the food contained!


Jackie McGrath said...

I love that rainbow cake! It looks gorgeous! We so wish we could have been there for your party Max. Yesterday, Reid asked if "Carmon, Max and Cheryl were coming over?" out of the blue. He must have subconsciously known he was missing out on a party!

Grandma and Grandpa Barr said...

I think I forgot to push the publish button.... so a second 'Happy Birthday, sweet Max'.

MLG said...

OMG domestic goddess much? That rainbow cake looks ah-mazing! Oh how I miss your sweet little family being close by. Brings tears to my eye just thinking of you three. Hope to see you soon! xo