Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not Quite Ready...

So I have been off work for nearly a week now (bliss!) and still feel rather ill prepared for our baby's arrival.  Fortunately, I have 14 more days until the due date but I have been repeatedly reminded that the baby can really come anytime now (gulp!).  I was feeling nauseous and really achy on Tuesday and by evening it had not subsided.  I thought it may be a good plan to refer to one of my pregnancy books...sure enough I found that these are some of the symptoms of pre-labour.  WELL, that got us in a tizzy and we very quickly pulled together our Hospital Bag - which I had been promising Carmon that I would pack two weeks ago - yikes!  Nothing like a little pressure!  As you can see, nothing came of that episode and I am back to feeling chipper again. 

Unfortunately the Hospital Bag was not the only item on my To Do List.  

Our 'Nest' is certainly not in order.  

We decided to take our chances and try to get our master bedroom looking a little fancier so we designed a day bed, ordered carpet, patched and re-painted.  Carmon has been working hard to get this big job done and we can now scratch off a few of the tasks; the patching, painting, the day bed is half built and our new carpet is being installed tomorrow.  We figure by the weekend we should be back in our own bedroom and THEN I can get busy organizing and making things feel a little more like home again.  And as for the baby, well, if  he came tomorrow he would not know the difference really - but someday it would be fun to show him just how 'ready' his parents were...




katrina lauren said...

Oh tummy did a little flip as I read the words "symptoms of pre-labour" I am so excited! Oh my goodness...just days away now!
I wish that I could be there to help you get some of the last minute items crossed off your list...but don't worry so much. If something doesn't get done before this little boy comes into the world, certainly it will get done after and you're right, he won't know the difference.
All these miles away...I am missing you & thinking of you.
Hugs to you my friend....and a tummy rub too!
love you

Anonymous said...

I had a chuckle; no, it was a good, solid laugh when I saw 'babies' room with all your belongings piled on every available space! You will get it all back before his arrival, infact maybe your scurring about will give him the added incentive to come see what's going on!. Love you all, lots... tummy rub from Grandma.